Thursday 17 May 2012

Unit 2 Evaluation

Unit 2 Evaluation
Use of equipment.

When I started the course i didn’t know about a  lot of the programs we used, such as: photoshop, final cut and blogger. Also I was using equipment like tripods which I haven’t used much before but after using it for different parts of the course I can now easily set up and video camera and tripod and use it successfully. I have used the scanner before but I now know what I could do to make it easier and look better after scanning. I had help from Will, as he is a avid user of photoshop he showed me some great skills and some awesome tools which would make my work a lot better.

Saving/Storing materials.

I have learnt through the course that I have to be organised so I have made many folders to keep everything organised so if I am asked to upload work I will know where to go and where I should upload it. I didn’t use to have many folders as I didn’t think it was necessary so I lost work a lot but now i know the importance of saving regularly and where to save it to make sure I can find it and it doesn't get lost. 


My creativity has improved a lot as I have gone through the course. It didn’t help I didn’t know anything about photoshop so I had an idea in my head but couldn’t put it on to the document because of my lack of skills with programs. But going through my blogger and seeing what I created at the start and looking at how my skills and creativity have improved through the course I can see a huge difference in my work such as my background is very simple and not very creative but, compared to my music video treatment which looks a lot more eye  friendly and the design of it looks a lot better. Also the tools I used on the treatment were a lot more complicated which improved it a huge amount. Doing research on some of the activities we did also helped to improve my creativity as I wanted to include some of the idea’s i have seen and I could so that thanks to the huge improvement in my photoshop skills.

Strongest Skill.

My strongest skill at the start of the course would have to be my ideas as I could think of something that would look amazing in my mind but I couldn’t put it on to paper as my lack of skills, but now that has changed because I can now design what I want to as my photoshop skills have improved dramatically as I can see in my work. So I would say my new best skill would be using photoshop as I have used it in most of the work I have done on the course and I can see an improvement through my work as I go through blogger.

Skills thank need improvement.

I think I need improvement on final cut as I didn’t use it much and I didn’t know how to use any of the tools. Also my lack of knowledge on how to create a good looking video and how to make it stand out from others. I think I could improve this by using more of final  cut and researching quick and easy tips on the internet and also ask friends how to improve.

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