Sunday 25 March 2012


Ollie Harding
Room 41
Thomas Adams School
Low Hill Road
Shropshire SY4 5UB
01939 237 000

Weekend Rider

This magazine would be different because it would appeal to the older audience who had to work all week and look forward to riding there bike on the weekend, so we would tell them good places to go and have fun.

The name of my magazine is called Weekend Riders because it is aimed at people who have worked all week and look forward to riding their bikes on the weekend.

People will read are magazine because we have listened to the customer and will put in information about locations and equipment they want us to test out. Are closest competition is mountain bike UK but we can beat the competition by listening to what are customers want to see in are magazine.

The magazine describes the target audience because people we hope who will be buying this magazine will be middle aged men who ride there bikes at the weekend for fun. The mood of the magazine will be anxious to ride there bikes  and get them exited about the weekend!

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