Wednesday 14 September 2011

Saw 5 Movie Poster

Genre: Horror

Genre Conventions: Dead body hanging by chains. Perhaps the fait of the protagonist. Scratches on the wall as an attempted escape.

Conventions of the form: Not a very descriptive title, tag line at the top. No names of actors or people involved in the movie. Only date of movie and website for more info are at the bottom of the poster. The picture shows this is horror because the is a humans arms hanging from chains.

Mise-en-scene: There is not much going on in this image, but you can tell a bit about the movie from looking at this image.

Symbols: The chains make the shape of a V which is a 5 in roman numerals. The website is a symbol as well because you can go on the website to find out more information.

Main Features: The main features of this poster are the chains and shackles with somebody arms in them. Also the background has scratches on it as a sign of trying to escape.

Layout: The layout of the the poster is there is the name of the movie a website where you can find more info, also the release date is on there aswell. It has a verbal message which is I am still among you.

Type Face: The type face has remained the same through all the movie posters which is spooky looking and also gives an eerie effected.

Camera Techniques:  No camera techniques used because its digitally produced.

Messages in the poster: The messages i get from the poster i get is this movie is going to be about torture and horror scenes in it.

Persuasive Techniques: The image on the poster will defiantly draw in people who are into horror movies and people who have seen the movie.

USP: This is movie which is continues series of movies of the same kind of story but always contains torturer and blood & gore.

Critic quotes: "Even the most die-hard of Saw fans won't credit how tedious, lame and pointless this fourth sequel manages to be".

What is promised in the film: "The film starts with Seth in the pendulum trap. It is revealed Seth is a murderer who was released early from prison due to a technicality. Seth is told by Jigsaw's puppet that if he wants to live he has to destroy the things he has used to kill-his hands.The trap is later revealed to be unwinnable, but Seth is made to believe that the aim of the trap is for him to push buttons inside of two devices which would crush both of his hands before a bladed pendulum (intended to slice him in half) descends upon him. Seth had in fact, crushed his hands, but as the trap is unwinnable, the Pendulum does not stop. From the side of the room, somebody watches Seth getting sliced in half through a Peep hole".

Attention Gained: The attention is gained by some one hanging from the chains in the image above.

Tag line: Im still among you.

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